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Brandon L. Partin is the owner of Partin Lawn Care located in Iuka, Illinois.

Brandon has been in the business as a general contractor for 4 years.

Partin Lawn Care provides all the necessary products for outdoor living, including patios, outdoor kitchens, pool decks, retaining walls, built-in barbecues, fire pits, landscaping as well as various water features, like natural ponds, waterfalls and streams .   We pride ourselves in being able to provide everything one needs for outdoor living under one roof.

Partin Lawn Care has been installing paving stone driveways, patios and pool decks since 2009. All of our competent crews undergo thorough training and certification to ensure the value of their work meets the highest standards of our customers, every time. Most successful businesses deliver at least what was promised to the customer. When we Exchange in Abundance we deliver what was promised – PLUS! We install the job exactly as agreed upon and we go the extra mile to ensure that the customer is completely satisfied – whatever it takes and no questions asked.

Customer Referrals

Giving each customer superior service and ensuring that he or she is 100% satisfied with our job leads to referrals – and getting referrals is the key to rocketing the expansion of our company. There is nothing worse for an honest salesman than to try to sell a bad product.

"When I tell people that we are simply the best – we use the best system, the best products, the best crews, and that I guarantee 100% satisfaction with their job, they believe me because it's the truth! It is very easy to get this across to the customer if it's true. If it's not true, you can only tell the lie so many times before you and your company begins to self destruct."

About Us


Partin Lawn Care specializes in custom landscape designs. We are a total landscaping company and offer a full line of design and building services. We hope that you will consider letting us serve you on your next landscape project.

"Thank you for visiting our web site. We hope you have found our work interesting, informative and inspiring. Please feel free to send us an email and tell us what you think. Please consider us for your next outdoor project, we want to be your total landscaping company."

Brandon L. Partin, Owner


- Landscaping Design

- Lawn Maintance

- Carpentry

- Fire Pits

- Fireplaces

- Masonry

- Paving Stones

- Synthetic Turf

- Water Features

- Lawn Maintenance

Let's Meet


Call us for a free quote


Partin Lawn Care

701 North Ave

Iuka, Illinois 62849


© 2010 Partin Lawn Care. All trademarks are the property of their respective holders, used with permission. All Rights Reserved.

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